Interested in what we're working at? We will periodically update this page with our plans for the future.
This page does not contain promises. The IgniteRealtime community is driven by volunteers. Progress on any development is depending on the availability and willingness of these people to invest their free time.
Version 5.0.x, Q1 2025 | Future | |
Openfire |
Hazelcast plugin |
* Plan as of January 9, 2025. Subject to change; we make no promises on future releases. :-)
Can we please have ... ?
If you're interesting to getting a particular change or feature on the road map, there are a couple of routes that you can take.
Contribute! The Ignite Realtime community is an open source community, that makes available a lot of resources that allows you to implement your changes yourself. Please consider engaging with the community to help you get your changes added to the project!
Alternatively, you can seek help from one of our Professional Partners, than can help you realize changes in our projects.